G-Nut/Anubis application
G-Nut/Anubis is a command-line tool for a quality check of modern data from all available GNSS constellations providing full quantitative and qualitative control with and without support of GNSS navigation messages:
- observation statistics (list/counts of observations, signals, bands, satellites of GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, SBAS, QZSS)
- standard point positioning if supported with navigation messages (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou)
- clock-jumps, cycle-slip detection and other interruptions (all constellations/frequencies/signals)
- satellite elevations and azimuths if supported with all constellation navigation messages
- code multipath (moving average RMS)
- data gaps and small data pieces
- other useful lists and statistics
The application is implemented using the G-Nut core library developed at Geodetic Obsevatory Pecny (GOP) and released under GNU GPL.
Anubis configuration and outputs are described under sub-menu (see main menu left).
DOWNLOAD - area for the software download.
INSTALLATION - instructions for the software installation.
VISUALISATION - perl scripts for Anubis report plotting.
EXAMPLES - example configuration with input and output files.
RELEASE_NOTES - list of fixes, enhancements and updates.
FORMAT_CHANGES - Anubis extraction format modifications.
- G-Nut/Anubis is a free application aimed for the RINEX file qualitative and quantitative monitoring.
- G-Nut/AnubisX is an application providing enhanced capabilities, such as real-time QC mode, user-friendly gui etc. The release is under preparation.
SUPPORT - the lite version is provided "AS IS", without warranty of any kind and a support is given on a best-effort basis only. Other related questions could be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (J.Dousa/P.Vaclavovic).
- Vaclavovic P, Dousa J (2014), G-Nut/Anubis - open-source tool for multi-GNSS data monitoring, In: IAG Symposia Series, Springer, Vol. 143, (accepted), PDF.
- Václavovic P., Douša J..: Development Towards Advanced GNSS Data Quality Monitoring, In: Družicové metody v geodézii a katastru, Sborník referátů. Brno, ECON publishing, s.r.o, pp 76-81, 2015 (in english PDF)
- Vaclavovic P and Dousa J (2013), Anubis – a tool for quality check of multi-GNSS observation and navigation data In: 4th International Colloquium Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme, 4-6 December 2013, Prague, Czech Republic. PDF.
NEWS - in order to keep informed about news you can join the G-Nut mailman list.
- 2015-03-18 - Released Anubis 1.3.2 - actual official release after minor bug fixing described in: RELEASE_NOTES
- 2015-01-28 - Released Anubis 1.3 - all-constellations/-bands/-signal pre-processing, advanced statistics, merged navigation messages etc.
- 2014-08-13 - Released Anubis 1.2 - navigation messages for all GNSS constellations, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou standard positioning
- 2014-04-29 - Released Anubis 1.1 - qualitative QC for GPS&GLO, bancroft positioning, boost-independent version, RINEX3.02 support
- 2013-08-16 - Released Anubis 1.0 - multi-path detection for all constellations, signals and frequencies
- 2013-03-10 - Released Anubis 0.9 - beta version