G-Nut/Anubis - frequency bands

Anubis checks number of bands for a) individual epochs, b) satellites and c) type of observations (code/phase). All epochs with at least 4 satellites, observed from a single system, are considered as usable (see UseEp in Summary). Epochs with only single-frequency code or phase observations are counted as incomplete because dual-frequency measurements are considered as a minimum standard for precise applications (xCoEp/xPhEp in Summary). Similarly, satellite-specific code and phase observations are counted for as incomplete, and reported as xCoSv/xPhSv in Summary.

The section "Bands" than provides more details about frequency bands tracked for code and phase observations and all satellites in a user request sampling rate (int_stp="20"). Via setting sec_bnd="1" user requests a summary report of per cents of complete dual-/multi-band observations (see listing, the first part). For code and phase observations at pre-defined epochs and for all satellites the keyword is GNSCEP and GNSLEP, respectively. Count of single-band observations at the given epoch is given in the first data column labeled as SngFreq. If set sec_bnd="2", Anubis reports also epoch-wise band counting for all satellites and phase/code observations (see listing, the second part) using the user request sampling rate.

First figure shows a summary of all available bands for individual satellites (constellations in colors) for code (ligth) and phase (dark) observations.

Anubis GNSS - available frequency bands
Anubis GNSS - available frequency bands

Second figure shows time variation of the number of all available satellites for all constellations (in color) including number of satellites providing a single-frequency only (gray = all epochs, black = user request epochs only).