G-Nut/Anubis - standard point positioning

If reliable navigation messages are available for any global constellation, Anubis estimates coordinates of the receiver using the standard point positioning (SPP) method and pseudo-range observations only. The receiver position is currently estimated for each GNSS separately using a common sampling rate of 15 minutes. Below figures show a) left: the comparison of RMS of NEU coordinate repeatability (expressed in meters) from individual available GNSS and b) right: horizontal epoch-wise positioning with a relative size of point calculated from the Geometric Dilution of Precision (GDOP) values.

Anubis GNSS standard point positioning Anubis GNSS standard point positioning

Setting sec_est="1" requests the output of mean coordinates and root-mean-squares calculated from coordinate repeatabilities. Individually, Cartesian and spherical coordinates are reported, while for the latter root-mean-squares are expressed in North,East,Up [m]. Finally, numbers of epochs of all observations and epoch of outliers are reported.

Setting sec_est="2" enables epoch-wise estimates reported in Cartesian and spherical coordinates and the GDOP.