Ing. Petr Štěpánek, Ph.D.
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- 2006 - Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Advanced Geodesy, Czech Technical University in Prague
- 2001 - Master of Science, Dept. of Advanced Geodesy, Czech Technical University in Prague
Professional Experience:
- 2003-today: Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography (RIGTC) - Geodetic observatory Pecný (GOP)
- Developing and maintaining the DORIS data analysis
- Evolution of „DORIS“ development version of Bernese software
- Responsible for the GOP DORIS-IDS analyses centre
Short and Middle-term Scientific Visits:
- 2003 - Institut Geographique National, Marne la Valee, France (2 months)
- 2003 - Collecte, Localisation, Satellites, Toulouse, France (2 months)
- 2003/4 - Astronomical University of Berne, Switzerland (7 months)
- English (fluently), German (basic), Russian (basic)
Ing. Petr Štěpánek, Ph.D.
- 2000-2004 - Centre for Earth Dynamics Research, respons. for DORIS
- 2005-2010 - Centre for Earth Dynamics Research - Recent Dynamics of the Earth, respons. for DORIS
- 2008-2010 - DORIS observations time-series analyses, GACR grant 205/08/P60
- 2011-2013 - LEO orbit modeling improvement and application for GNSS and DORIS LEO satellites, GACR/DFG (Czech/German) grant project, respons. for Czech part.
Ing. Petr Štěpánek, Ph.D.
Peer-review publications (English):
- Štěpánek P, Filler V, Douša J, Hugentobler U: DORIS data analysis at Geodetic Observatory Pecný using single-satellite and multi-satellite geodetic solutions, Advances in Space Research, in press, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2010.04.015
- Štěpánek P, Filler V, Hugentobler U, Douša J: DORIS at GOP: From pilot testing campaign to fully operational analysis center, Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia, 7(1)/2010, pp 49-60
- Štěpánek P, Hugentobler U, Le Bail K: First results of DORIS data analyses at Geodetic Observatory Pecný, Journal of Geodesy, 80(8-11)/2006, pp 657-664
Peer-reviewed publications (Czech):
- Štěpánek P, Filler V: Analysis Centre DORIS at Geodetic Observatory Pecný (in Czech), Geodetický a katrografický obzor, 10/2008
- Douša J, Filler V, Kostelecký J (jr.), Pálinkáš V, Šimek J, Štěpánek P: A contribution of the Geodetic Observatory Pecný to the Global Geodetic Observation System (in Czech), Geodetický a katrografický obzor, 11/2007
- Štěpánek P: System DORIS: Principles and data analyses using Bernese GPS Software (in Czech), Geodetický a katrografický obzor, 2/2005
Other publications:
- Ferrage P, Garayt B, Govind R, Kuzin S, Lemoine F, Ma C, Noll C, Otten M, Ries JC, Saunier J, Soudarin L, Štěpánek P, Valette JJ, Willis P:The International DORIS Service, January 2009 – December 2009 activity report, IDS 2010
- Tavernier G, Ferrage P, Fagard H, Lemoine ,Noll C, Noomen R, Ries JC, Soudarin L, Valette JJ, Willis P, Štěpánek P, Otten M, Kuzin S, Moore P, Govind R: The International DORIS Service, January 2006 – December 2008 activity report, IDS 2009