prof. Ing. Pavel Novák, PhD.
Contact :
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Qualifications :
- 2007 : profesor, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
- 2003 : assistent professor, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
- 1999 : PhD., University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada
- 1989 : MSc., Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
Professional Experience :
- 2007-2010 : Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences, Department of Galaxies and Planetary Systems
- since 2004 : University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Mathematics
- 2002-2004 : Universität Stuttgart, Geodätisches Institut
- 1999-2001 : University of Calgary, Department of Geomatics Engineering
- 1996-1999 : University of New Brusnwick, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering
- 1991-1992 : Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Geodäsie und Photogrammetrie
- since 1989 : VÚGTK Zdiby, Department of Geodesy and Geodynamics
Skills :
- geodesy
- adjustment calculus
- statistics
Professional activities and memberships :
- elected fellow, International Association of Geodesy (IAG)
- vice-president, IAG Inter-Commission Committee on Theory (ICCT)
- chairman, Czech National Committee FIG (2009-)
- member, American Geophysical Union (AGU)
- member, International Association of Geodesy (IAG)
- member, Federation Internationale des Geometres (FIG)
- member, Czech Union of Surveyors and Cartographers (CUSC)
- member, International Editorial Board of the Journal of Geodesy (2003-)
- member, International Editorial Board of the Journal of Geodetic Science (2010-)
- member, commission "Earth and Space Sciences" of the Czech Science Foundation (2004-2009)
- member, Board of the Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography in Zdiby (2007-)
- member, Board of the Czech Union of Surveyors and Cartographers (2009-)
- member, Scientific Board of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (2006-)
- member, Strategic Team of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (2008-)
- member, IAG Study Group "Inverse Theory and Global Optimization" (2003-)
- member, IAG Study Group "High-Resolution Forward Modeling for Improved Satellite Gravity Missions Results" (2007-)
- member, IAG Study Group "Evaluation of Global Earth Gravity Models" (2005-2008)
- member, IAG Study Group "Fractal Geometry in Geodesy" (2003-2007)
- member, IAG Study Group "Regional Land and Marine Geoid Modelling" (2003-2007)
- member, IAG Study Group "Forward Gravity Field Modelling and Global Databases" (2003-2007)
- member, IAG Study Group "Satellite Gravity Theory" (2003-2007)
- member, Terminological Commission of the Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre (2008-)
- member, Peer Review Panels, European Space Agency
- research grant application reviewer, Czech Science Foundation
- research grant application reviewer, Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
- research grant application reviewer, Grant Agency of the Charles University, Prague
- research grant application reviewer, Austrian Science Foundation
- research grant application reviewer, Slovak Science Foundation
- research grant application reviewer, Swiss National Science Foundation
- reviewer, Journal of Geodesy
- reviewer, Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata
- reviewer, Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica
- reviewer, Geophysics
- reviewer, Surveys in Geophysics
- reviewer, Journal of Geodynamics
- reviewer, Computers & Geosciences
- reviewer, Geophysical Journal International
- reviewer, Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy
- reviewer, Advances in Space Research
- reviewer, Earth, Planets and Space
- reviewer, Geodetický a kartografický obzor
- reviewer, Springer Verlag (IAG Proceedings)
prof. Ing. Pavel Novák, PhD.
Projects :
- CzechGeo/EPOS - Distributed system of observatory and field observations of geophysical fields in the Czech Republic - creation and operation of a national component within the European project EPOS. MSMT Project LM2010008, Czech Republic, 2010-2015.
- Methods of Earth's gravity field modeling based on heterogeneous data. Project 205/08/1103, Czech Science Foundation, Czech Republic, 2008-2010.
- Gravimetric laboratory. Project A0133/2008, University Development Foundation, Czech Republic, 2008.
- GOCE: specific tasks on fine gravity field structure of the Earth. PECS Project 98056, European Space Agency, 2007-2011.
- Design of the knowledge system for decision support based on geodata. Project 2C06028, National Research Program, Czech Republic, 2006-2011.
- Research center of Earth's dynamics. Project MSMT LC506, Czech Republic, 2006-2010.
- Continuous and discrete mathematical structures and methods of their analysis. Project MSMT 4977751301, Czech Republic, 2006-2010.
- Collection and analysis of geospatial data. Project F0919/2006/A, University Development Foundation, Czech Republic, 2006.
- Validation, quality assessment and interpretation of current satellite-only Earth gravity models. Project 7-2006-2, Czech-Greek Cooperation, 2005-2007.
- Determination of precise geoid and quasi-geoid models over the territory of Central Europe. Project 205/05/2777, Czech Science Foundation, Czech Republic, 2005-2007.
- GRACE processor for recovery of temporal variations of the Earth's gravity field. Project 03F0326A, Federal Ministry for Education and Research, Germany, 2002-2004.
- Airborne gravity for exploration and mapping. Project 47, GEOIDE Network of Centres of Excellence, Federal government, Canada, 1999-2001.
- Theoretical and practical refinements of precise geoid determination methods. Natural Resources Canada, Canada, 1996-1999.
- Astro-geodetic leveling. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Germany, 1991-1992.
prof. Ing. Pavel Novák, PhD.
Publications :
- Dousa J, Filler F, Simek J, Kostelecky J, Kostelecky J (jr), Novak P (2011). New implementation of ETRS89 in the Czech Republic: Campaign EUREF-Czech-2009. Geodeticky a kartograficky obzor 55(99): 25-35.
- Tenzer R, Novak P (2010). Effect of the long-wavelength topographical correction on the low-degree Earth' gravity field. In Mertikas SP (ed.) Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation: 355-360, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-10633-0.
- Vajda P, Ellmann A, Meurers B, Vanicek P, Novak P, Tenzer R (2010). Harmonic continuation and gravimetric inversion of gravity in areas of negative geodetic heights. In Mertikas SP (ed.) Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation: 25-30. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-10633-0.
- Vajda P, Vanicek P, Novak P, Tenzer R, Ellmann A, Meurers B (2010). On ambiguities in definitions and applications of Bouguer gravity anomaly. In Mertikas SP (ed.) Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation: 19-24. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-10633-0.
- Klokocnik J, Kostelecky J, Pesek I, Novak P, Wagner CA, Sebera J (2010). Candidates for multiple impact craters?: Popigai and Chicxulub as seen by the global high resolution gravitational field model EGM2008. Solid Earth 1: 71-83, doi=10.5194/se-1-71-2010.
- Klokocnik J, Kostelecky J, Novak P, Wagner CA (2010). Detection of Earth impact craters aided by the detailed global gravitational model EGM2008. Acta Geodynamica at Geomaterialia 157(1): 71-97.
- Novak P (2010). Direct modeling of the gravitational field using harmonic series. Acta Geodynamica at Geomaterialia 157(1): 35-47.
- Novak P (2010). High resolution constituents of the Earth gravitational field. Surveys in Geophysics 31(1): 1-21, doi: 10.1007/s10712-009-9077-z.
- Klokocnik J, Kostelecky J, Novak P, Bezdek A, Gruber C, Sebera J (2009). Mapping the Earth's gravitational field using GOCE. Geodeticky a kartograficky obzor 55(97): 165-174.
- Novak P, Klokocnik J, Kostelecky J, Zeman A (2009). Testing EGM08 using Czech GPS/leveling data. Newton's Bulletin 4: 126-132, ISSN 1810-8555.
- Tsoulis D, Novak P, Kadlec M (2009). Evaluation of precise terrain effects using high-resolution digital elevation models. Journal of Geophysical Research 114, B02404, doi:10.1029/2008JB005639.
- Novak P, Kostelecky J, Klokocnik J (2009). The new global model of the Earth gravitational field EGM08. Geodeticky a kartograficky obzor 55(3): 45-53.
- Klokocnik J, Kostelecky J, Novak P (2009). Chicxulub seems to be a double crater and Popigai has little brothers. Vesmir 88(2): 92-95.
- Tenzer T, Novak P, Prutkin I, Ellmann A, Vajda P (2009). Far-zone effects in direct gravity inversion by means of Molodensky's truncation coefficients. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 53(2): 157-167.
- Novak P, Kostelecky J, Klokocnik J (2009). On accuracy of current geopotential models estimated through a comparison of quasi-geoid models and GPS/levelling data. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 53(1): 39-60.
- Klokocnik J, Wagner CA, Kostelecky J, Bezdek A, Novak P, McAdoo D (2008). Variations in the accuracy of gravity recovery due to ground track variability: GRACE, CHAMP and GOCE. Journal of Geodesy 82(12): 917-927.
- Kadlec M, Kostelecky J, Novak P (2008). Database for evaluation of gravity field parameters in Central Europe. Geodeticky a kartograficky obzor 53(12): 282-288.
- Vajda P, Ellmann A, Meurers B, Vanicek P, Novak P, Tenzer R (2008). Global ellipsoid-referenced topographic, bathymetric and stripping corrections to gravity disturbance. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 52(1): 19-34.
- Vajda P, Ellmann A, Meurers B, Vanicek P, Novak P, Tenzer R (2008). Gravity disturbances in regions of negative heights: a reference quasi-ellipsoid approach. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 52(1): 35-52.
- Tenzer R, Ellmann A, Novak P, Vajda P (2008). The Earth's gravity field components of the differences between gravity disturbances and gravity anomalies. In: Sideris M (Ed.) Observing our Changing Earth. Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York, ISBN 978-3-540-85425-8: 155-160.
- Tenzer R, Novak P (2008). Conditionality of inverse solutions to discretised integral equations in geoid modelling from local gravity data. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 52(1): 53-70.
- Novak P (2007). Recent advances in global gravity field modelling. Czech Technical University, Prague, ISBN 978-80-01-03656-3: 1-30.
- Novak P (2007). Integral inversion of SST data of type GRACE. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 51(3): 351-367.
- Vajda P, Vanicek P, Novak P, Tenzer R, Ellmann A (2007). Secondary indirect effects in gravity anomaly data inversion or interpretation. Journal of Geophysical Research 112, B06411, doi:10.1029/2006JB004470.
- Novak P (2007). Gravity reduction using a general method of Helmert's condensation. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica 42(1): 83-105.
- Novak P, Kostelecky J, Klokocnik J (2006). On accuracy of current geopotential models estimated through a comparison of quasi-geoid models and GPS/levelling data. Reports on Geodesy 76: 245-251.
- Tenzer R, Novak P, Moore P, Vajda P (2006). Atmospheric effects in the derivation of geoid-generated gravity anomalies. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 50(4): 583-593.
- Tenzer R, Novak P, Moore P, Kuhn M, Vanicek P (2006). Explicit formula for the geoid-quasigeoid separation. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 50(4): 607-618.
- Novak P, Grafarend EW (2006). The effect of topographical and atmospheric masses on spaceborne gravimetric and gradiometric data. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 50(4): 549-582.
- Novak P (2006). Evaluation of local gravity field parameters from high resolution gravity and elevation data. Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy 36(1): 1-33.
- Novak P, Austen A, Sharifi MA, Grafarend EW (2006). Mapping Earth's gravitation using GRACE data. In: Flury J, Rummel R, Reigber C, Rothacher M, Boedecker G, Schreiber U (Eds.) Observation of the Earth System from Space. Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York, ISBN 978-3-540-29520-8: 149-164.
- Novak P (2005). Regional gravity field modeling. Proceedings 50 Years the Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Prague 50: 105-112, ISBN: 978-80-85881-23-3.
- Kostelecky J, Novak P (2005). A decade of the permanent GPS station at the Geodetic Observatory Pecny. Proceedings 50 Years of the Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Prague 50: 85-90, ISBN: 978-80-85881-23-3.
- Novak P, Grafarend EW (2005). The ellipsoidal representation of the topographical potential and its vertical gradient. Journal of Geodesy 78(11-12): 691-706.
- Vajda P, Vanicek P, Novak P, Meurers B (2004). On evaluation of Newton integrals in geodetic coordinates: Exact formulation and spherical approximation. Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy 34(4): 289-314.
- Grafarend EW, Novak P, Austen G, Sharifi MA (2003). The GRACE processor for a spherical harmonic analysis of temporal variations of geopotential. Geotechnologien Science Report 3, ISSN 1619-7399: 63-66.
- Kostelecky J, Novak P (2003). A decade of the permanent GPS station at the Geodetic Observatory Pecny. Geodeticky a kartograficky obzor 49(10): 206-209.
- Tenzer R, Vanicek P, Novak P (2003). Far-zone contributions to topographical effects in the Stokes-Helmert method of the geoid determination. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 47(3): 467-480.
- Novak P, Simek J, Kostelecky J (2003). A detailed gravimetric quasi-geoid model VUGTK 2002 for Central Europe. In: Tziavos IN (Ed.) Gravity and Geoid 2002. Ziti Editions, Thessaloniki, ISBN 960-431-852-7: 150-155.
- Novak P (2003). Geoid determination using one-step integration. Journal of Geodesy 77(3-4): 193-206.
- Novak P, Bruton AM, Bayoud FA, Kern M, Schwarz KP (2003). On numerical and data requirements for topographical reduction of airborne gravity in geoid determination and resource exploration. Bollettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini 62(2): 103-124.
- Novak P, Kern M, Schwarz KP, Heck B (2003). Evaluation of band-limited topographical effects in airborne gravimetry. Journal of Geodesy 76(11-12): 594-604.
- Novak P (2003). Optimal model for geoid determination from airborne gravity. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 47(1): 1-36.
- Novak P, Kern M, Schwarz KP, Sideris MG, Heck B, Ferguson S, Hammada Y, Wei M (2003). On geoid determination from airborne gravity. Journal of Geodesy 76(9-10): 510-522.
- Vanicek P, Novak P, Craymer M, Pagiatakis S (2003). On the correct determination of transformation parameters of the horizontal geodetic datum. Geomatica 56(4): 329-340.
- Novak P (2002). The use of airborne gravimetry for precise geoid determination. Geodeticky a kartograficky obzor 48(2): 85-94.
- Novak P, Heck B (2002). Downward continuation and geoid determination based on band-limited airborne gravity data. Journal of Geodesy 76(5): 269-278.
- Novak P, Kern M, Schwarz KP, Heck B (2001). On the determination of a band-limited gravimetric geoid from airborne gravimetry. Habilitation dissertation, Department of Advanced Geodesy, Czech Technical University Prague: 1-222.
- Novak P, Vanicek P, Martinec Z, Veronneau M (2001). Effects of the spherical terrain on gravity and the geoid. Journal of Geodesy 75(9-10): 491-504.
- Novak P, Kern M, Schwarz KP (2001). Numerical studies on the harmonic downward continuation of band-limited airborne gravity. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 45(4): 327-345.
- Vanicek P, Novak P, Martinec Z (2001). Geoid, topography, and the Bouguer plate or shell. Journal of Geodesy 75(4): 210-215.
- Novak P, Vanicek P, Veronneau M, Holmes SA, Featherstone WE (2001). On the accuracy of Stokes's integration in the precise high-frequency geoid determination. Journal of Geodesy 74(9): 644-654.
- Novak P (2000). Evaluation of gravity data for the Stokes-Helmert solution to the geodetic boundary-value problem. Doctor of Philosophy dissertation, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick Fredericton: 1-139.
- Huang J, Vanicek P, Novak P (2000). An alternative algorithm to FFT for the numerical evaluation of Stokes's integral. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 44(3): 374-380.
- Vanicek P, Huang J, Novak P, Veronneau M, Pagiatakis SD, Martinec Z, Featherstone WE (1999). Determination of boundary values for the Stokes-Helmert problem. Journal of Geodesy 73(4): 180-192.
- Cimbalnik M, Dusatko D, Janus P, Karsky G, Kostelecky J, Laza L, Nevosad Z, Novak P, Provazek J, Rikal J, Skorepa L, Simek J, Talich M, Vatrt V, Zajicek L (1998). Geodetic reference systems in the Czech Republic. Monograph published by the Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography and Military Geographical Institute, Prague, ISBN 80-85881-09-8: 1-186.
- Kostelecky J, Novak P, Skorepa L, Simek J (1996). Analysis of continuous GPS observations for geodynamics purposes. In: GPS Trends in precise terrestrial, airborne and spaceborne applications. Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York, ISBN 3-540-60872-9: 65-69.
- Skorepa Z, Novak P (1996). GPS survey in the "Stare Mesto pod Sneznikem" experimental network. Geodeticky a kartograficky obzor 42(7): 138-142.
- Marek P, Novak P, Simek J (1995). GPS-based investigations of recent crustal movements in the seismoactive area Western Bohemia - Vogtland. Reports on Geodesy 16(3): 361-368.
- Marek P, Novak P (1995). Central European Geodynamics Reference Network. Czech solution 1994. Reports on Geodesy 16(3): 341-350.
- Novak P, Marek P (1995). Report of the CERGOP processing center Pecny, Czech Republic. Reports on Geodesy 16(2): 117-128.
- Novak P (1995). International GPS Service for Geodynamics in 1995. Geodeticky a kartograficky obzor 41(10): 183-189.
- Kostelecky J, Novak P, Simek J (1994). On the long-term behaviour of longer baselines determined by GPS. Reports on Geodesy 10(2): 181-185.
- Novak P, Karsky G, Skorepa L (1994). Accuracy of the GPS technology on very short baselines. Geodeticky a kartograficky obzor 40(11): 227-231.
- Novak P, Karsky G (1994). Analysis of the Czech GPS reference network. Geodeticky a kartograficky obzor 40(9): 183-189.
- Novak P, Skoupy V (1994). Astronomical observations within the GPS project CS-NULRAD'92. Geodeticky a kartograficky obzor 40(3): 45-47.
- Karsky G, Novak P (1994). Preliminary analysis of the Czech GPS reference network. Geodeticky a kartograficky obzor 40(1): 218-222.
- Novak P, Karsky G (1994). The Czech and Slovak reference network of zero order (solution 1993). Reports of the Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography 11, ISBN 80-901319-9-9: 1-95.
- Novak P, Kostelecky J, Skorepa L (1994). Preliminary analysis of continuous GPS observations. Reports on Geodesy 13(5): 185-209.
- Karsky G, Kostelecky J, Novak P, Simek J (1993). Realization of the GPS reference network on the territory of the Czech and Slovak Republics. Reports of the Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography 7: 1-44.
- Novak P (1993). Astronomical observations in the Czechoslovak GPS reference network. Scientific Newspapers of the Technical University Dresden 42, ISSN 0043-6925: 39-42.
prof. Ing. Pavel Novák, PhD.
Technical reports :
- Novak P, Hajkova J, Kadlec M, Valko M (2011). Gravimetric surveying and investigations of the Krimich waste bank. Contract report for the West Bohemian Mines, Czech Republic.
- Novak P (2010). The role and activities of FIG, Czech participation. Czech Union of Surveyors and Cartographers: 6-10, Brno, ISBN 978-80-02-02278-7.
- Novak P (2010). On determination of a regional vertical datum by combination of EGM, local gravity and GPS/leveling data. Proceedings of FIG Congress 2010 "Facing the Challenges - Building the Capacity": 1-11.
- Sneeuw N, Novak P (2009). ICCT midterm report to the IAG. Travaux of the International Association of Geodesy. September 2009.
- Klokocnik J, Bezdek A, Gruber C, Kostelecky J, Novak P, Pesek I, Sebera J, Vondrak J (2009). GOCE - specific tasks on fine gravity field structure of the Earth. Progress report of the PECS project C98056 (2009), ESA.
- Klokocnik J, Bezdek A, Gruber C, Kostelecky J, Novak P, Pesek I, Vondrak J (2008). GOCE - specific tasks on fine gravity field structure of the Earth. Progress report of the PECS project C98056 (2008), ESA.
- Novak P, Klokocnik J, Kostelecky J (2007). Testing the global geopotential model EGM07a with GPS/leveling data over the territory of the Czech Republic. Report for the IAG Special Working Group 2.2: Evaluation of Global Earth Gravity Models.
- Novak P (2007). Determination of precise geoid and quasigeoid models for the territory of Central Europe. Contract report for the Czech Science Foundation, Project 205/05/2777.
- Kabelac J, Novak P (2006). Geodesy. Lecture notes, Department of Mathematics, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, 1-173.
- Novak P (2004). The GRACE processor for spherical harmonic analysis of the temporal variations of the geopotential. Contract report for the German government, Geodetic Institute, Stuttgart University.
- Vanicek P, Tenzer R, Janak J, Najafi M, Novak P, Huang J (2003). SHGEO Software Package for precise geoid determination using Stokes-Helmert approach modified for no-topography space. Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick Fredericton.
- Novak P (2003). Effect of topographical and atmospheric masses on spaceborne gravimetric and gradiometric data. Contract report for the German government, Geodetic Institute, Stuttgart University.
- Novak P (2003). Computation of local gravity field parameters. Research report, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Prague.
- Novak P (2003). Regional gravity field modelling. Proceedings of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Prague.
- Kostelecky J, Novak P (2003). A decade of the permanent GPS station at the Geodetic Observatory Pecny. Proceedings of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Prague.
- Novak P (2003). Geoid determination from ground and aerial gravity. Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick Fredericton, Technical Report 218: 79-89.
- Tenzer R, Novak P, Janak J, Huang J, Najafi M, Vajda P, Santos M (2003). The UNB approach for geoid determination by the Stokes-Helmert method. Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick Fredericton, Technical Report 218: 132-178.
- Novak P (2003). Satellite mission GRACE: gravity field mapping. Contract report for the German government, Geodetic Institute, Stuttgart University.
- Novak P (2003). Satellite mission GRACE: conservative forces. Contract report for the German government, Geodetic Institute, Stuttgart University.
- Novak P (2003). Satellite mission GRACE: boundary-value approach. Contract report for the German government, Geodetic Institute, Stuttgart University.
- Novak P (2002). Secular variations of the low-degree zonal harmonics of geopotential induced by Earth's deglaciation. Contract report for the German government, Geodetic Institute, Stuttgart University.
- Novak P (2002). On the general method of Helmert's condensation and its application for gravity reduction. Research report, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Prague.
- Huang J, Janak J, Najafi M, Novak P, Tenzer R (2001). Stokes-Helmert Geoid Software (SHGEO). Software package for precise geoid computation. Reference manual compiled by Tenzer and Janak. Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick Fredericton.
- Novak P, Kern M, Schwarz KP, Heck B (2001). On the determination of a band-limited gravimetric geoid from airborne gravimetry. Department of Geomatics Engineering, The University of Calgary, Technical Report 30013: 1-222.
- Schwarz KP, Bruton A, Novak P (2001). Airborne gravity for exploration and mapping. Contract report for the GEOIDE Network of Centres of Excellence, project 47.
- Schwarz KP, Kern M, Novak P (2001). Documentation and manual for the geoid program DownHotine. Software package documentation developed within the GEOIDE of Excellence project "Airborne Gravity for Exploration and Mapping", Department of Geomatics Engineering, The University of Calgary.
- Novak P, Kern M, Schwarz KP (2000). Regularized least-squares estimation of the residual geoid from airborne gravity. Contract report for the GEOIDE Network of Excellence project "Airborne Gravity for Exploration and Mapping", Department of Geomatics Engineering, The University of Calgary.
- Novak P, Kern M, Schwarz KP (2000). Airborne gravimetric geoid. From theory to practical applications. Contract report for the GEOIDE Network of Excellence project "Airborne Gravity for Exploration and Mapping", Department of Geomatics Engineering, The University of Calgary.
- Novak P, Kern M (2000). Continuation of airborne gravity. Theoretical background and review of existing approaches. Contract report for the GEOIDE Network of Excellence project "Airborne Gravity for Exploration and Mapping", Department of Geomatics Engineering, The University of Calgary.
- Novak P (1999). Evaluation of gravity data for the Stokes-Helmert solution to the geodetic boundary-value problem. Doctor of Philosophy dissertation, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick Fredericton.
- Vanicek P, Huang J, Novak P (1998). A comparison of downward continuation techniques of terrestrial gravity anomalies. Contract report for the Natural Resources Canada Ottawa, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick Fredericton.
- Vanicek P, Novak P, Huang J (1998). Higher-degree Helmert's gravity field. Contract report for the Natural Resources Canada Ottawa, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick Fredericton.
- Vanicek P, Huang J, Brink W, Novak P (1998). Preliminary investigations on the effect of topographical mass density variations on gravity and geoid in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Contract report for the Natural Resources Canada Ottawa, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick Fredericton.
- Vanicek P, Novak P, Huang J (1998). Topography in the Stokes-Helmert solution to the geodetic boundary-value problem. Contract report for the Natural Resources Canada Ottawa, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick Fredericton.
- Vanicek P, Novak P, Huang J (1998). Stokes's integration as a solution to the geodetic boundary-value problem. Contract report for the Natural Resources Canada Ottawa, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick Fredericton.
- Vanicek P, Huang J, Novak P (1997). DOWN'97. Discrete Poisson's downward continuation package for 5'x5' data. Contract report for the Natural Resources Canada Ottawa, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick Fredericton.
- Vanicek P, Novak P, Huang J (1997). Atmosphere in Stokes-Helmert's solution of the geodetic boundary-value problem. Contract report for the Natural Resources Canada Ottawa, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick Fredericton.
- Vanicek P, Najafi M, Novak P, Huang J (1997). Evaluation of boundary values in the generalized Stokes-Helmert problem. Contract report for the Natural Resources Canada Ottawa, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick Fredericton.
- Novak P (1997). Condensed terrain effect on gravity. Contract report for the Natural Resources Canada Ottawa, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick Fredericton.
- Novak P (1997). Digital elevation models for the western Canada and U.S. Northwest. Contract report for the Natural Resources Canada Ottawa, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick Fredericton.
- Marek P, Novak P, Simek J (1996). Reference geodynamic network of the Czech Republic. Analysis of GPS campaigns in 1995. Research report, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Prague.
- Novak P (1994). Czech and Slovak GPS reference network of the zero order. Research report, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Prague.
- Novak P, Kostelecky J, Skorepa L (1994). Analysis of DOPNUL campaigns in the ETRF-89. Research report, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Prague.
- Broľ J, Novak P, Skorepa L, Skoupy V (1994). Status of the Geodetic Observatory Pecny (July - December 1994). Technical Report 24-1007, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Prague.
- Novak P (1994). Status of the Geodetic Observatory Pecny (January - June 1994). Technical Report 24-206, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Prague.
- Novak P, Kostelecky J, Skorepa L (1994). Densification of the Czech GPS reference network. Sectors G, H, and J. Contract report for the Czech Office of Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre Prague, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Prague.
- Novak P, Kostelecky J, Skorepa L (1994). Densification of the Czech GPS reference network. Sectors E and F. Contract report for the Czech Office of Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre Prague, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Prague.
- Kostelecky J, Novak P (1994). Densification of the Czech GPS reference network. Sector D. Contract report for the Czech Office of Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre Prague, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Prague.
- Novak P, Kostelecky J, Skorepa L (1994). Densification of the Czech GPS reference network. Sector C. Contract report for the Czech Office of Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre Prague, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Prague.
- Kostelecky J, Novak P (1994). Densification of the Czech GPS reference network. Sector B. Contract report for the Czech Office of Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre Prague, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Prague.
- Novak P, Kostelecky J (1994). Densification of the Czech GPS reference network. Sector A. Contract report for the Czech Office of Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre Prague, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Prague.
- Kostelecky J, Novak P, Simek J (1994). National report of the Czech Republic on the participation in the international GPS campaign "Interconnection of the first order horizontal networks". Research report, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Prague.
- Kostelecky J, Marek P, Novak P, Skorepa L (1994). Realization of the ETRF coordinate frame on the territory of the Czech Republic for civilian and military purposes. Proceedings of the seminar "Role of Modern Geodesy in Armed Forces", Budapest.
- Novak P, Karsky G (1993). Czech and Slovak spatial reference network of the zero order. Analysis of the GPS project CS-NULRAD'92. Research report, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Prague.
- Novak P (1993). Interconnection of the Czech and German GPS reference networks. Analysis of the GPS project CZ-BRD'93. Research report, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Prague.
- Broz J, Dubisar P, Holota P, Karsky G, Kostelecky J, Livora L, Novak P, Simek J, Simon Z, Vyskocil P (1992). Geodesy and the dynamics of the Earth. Research report, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Prague.
- Skoupy V, Novak P (1992). Astronomical observations within the GPS campaign CS-NULRAD'92. Research report, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Prague.
- Novak P (1992). On the astronomical levelling. Research report, Department of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, Technical University Berlin.
- Novak P (1992). Several aspects of the circumzenithal VUGTK 50/500. Research report, Department of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, Technical University Berlin.
- Novak P (1991). Determination of the astronomical latitude and longitude using the circumzenithal VUGTK 50/500. Contract report for the German Research Council Bonn, Department of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, Technical University Berlin.
- Novak P (1989). The semi-dynamic method of the satellite geodesy and its applications for laser ranging to LAGEOS. Master of Engineering thesis, Department of Advanced Geodesy, Czech Technical University Prague.
- Kabelac J, Kuklikova J, Hampacher M, Novak P (1988). Determination of orbital parameters, adjustment of satellite and terrestrial networks and higher-order disturbances of artificial satellites' orbits. Contract report of the project "Dynamic and geometric behaviour of the Earth", Department of Advanced Geodesy, Czech Technical University Prague.
- Novak P (2003). Satellite mission GRACE: conservative forces. Contract report for the German government, Geodetic Institute, Stuttgart University.
prof. Ing. Pavel Novák, PhD.
Presentations :
- Novak P, Tenzer R, Gladkikh V (2010). The gravitational effect of the ocean density contrast for a depth-dependent seawater density model. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2010.
- Novak P (2010). The role and activities of FIG - Czech participation. 46. Geodetic Information Days, Brno, November 2010.
- Tenzer R, Novak P, Gladkikh V (2010). Bathymetric stripping corrections to gravity field quantities for a high-accuracy seawater density model. Active Earth Processes Workshop 2010, Otago University, Dunedin, November 2010.
- Bursa M, Kenyon S, Kouba J, Novak P, Sima Z, Vatrt V, Vojtiskova M (2010). A global vertical reference frame. 2nd meeting of the International Gravity Field Service, Fairbanks, September 2010.
- Novak P (2010). An overview of higher education in geomatics and geoinformatics at Czech universities. FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting, Karlovy Vary, September 6-10, 2010.
- Novak P (2010). Integrated geodetic infrastructure as a support of national and international GNSS projects: case study of the Geodetic Observatory Pecny (CZE). International GNSS conference organized by UN/Moldava/USA, Chisinau, May 2010.
- Simek J, Filler V, Kostelecky J, Kostelecky J, Novak P, Palinkas V, Plicka V, Valko M (2010). A possible contribution of an integrated geodetic infrastructure to EPOS: case study the Czech Republic. 7th EGU General Assembly, Vienna, May 2010.
- Tenzer R, Hamayun, Vajda P, Novak P (2010). Global long-wavelength topographically corrected and topo-density contrast stripped gravity anomalies. 7th EGU General Assembly, Vienna, May 2010.
- Tenzer R, Vajda P, Hamayun, Novak P (2010). Expressions for modelling the bathymetry-generated gravitational field quantities by means of the spherical bathymetric functions. 7th EGU General Assembly, Vienna, May 2010.
- Tenzer R, Ahmed A, Novak P (2010). Global maps of the ellipsoidal corrections to gravity disturbances and gravity anomalies computed using the EGM2008 global geopotential model. 7th EGU General Assembly, Vienna, May 2010.
- Mikuska J, Marusiak I, Karcol K, Pasteka R, Tenzer R, Vajda P, Novak P (2010). The modelling of the atmospheric gravity correction using a new analytical integration approach. 7th EGU General Assembly, Vienna, May 2010.
- Gruber C, Novak P, Sebera J (2010). Advanced high-resolution spherical harmonic synthesis and analysis in geodesy. 7th EGU General Assembly, Vienna, May 2010.
- Sebera J, Wagner CA, Bezdek A, Bouman J, Klokocnik J, Kostelecky J, Novak P (2010). Gravitational tensor in the GOCE reference frame by direct harmonic synthesis. 7th EGU General Assembly, Vienna, May 2010.
- Novak P (2010). On determination of a regional vertical datum by combination of EGM, local gravity and GPS/leveling data. XXIV FIG International Congress, Sydney, April 2010.
- Dousa J, Filler V, Holota P, Kostelecky J, Kostelecky J, Mervart L, Novak P, Palinkas, Simek J, Stepanek (2009). RIGTC - Department of Geodesy and Geodynamics - GO Pecný: A Review of Current and Pending Activities. Geodetic Observatory Pecný, Ondřejov, April 2009.
- Klokocnik J, Kostelecky J, Pesek I, Novak P, Sebera J (2009). Geophysical applications of EGM08: detection of impact craters. Meeting of the Centre of the Earth's Dynamics Research (CEDR). Trest' Castle, September 2009.
- Novak P (2009). Gravity field modeling in the era of EGM08. Meeting of the Centre of the Earth's Dynamics Research (CEDR). Trest' Castle, September 2009.
- Novak P (2009). Selected constituents of the high-resolution Earth gravitational model. IAG Scientific Assembly "Geodesy for Planet Earth", Buenos Aires, September 2009.
- Novak P, Huang J (2009). Local geoid modeling in the era of EGM08. IAG Scientific Assembly "Geodesy for Planet Earth", Buenos Aires, September 2009.
- Novak P (2009). On combination of heterogeneous gravitational observables for cm-level accurate geoid models. 7th Hotine-Marussi Symposium, Rome, July 2009.
- Gruber C, Sebera J, Novak P (2009). High resolution harmonical synthesis & analysis on the sphere using FFT. 6th EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2009.
- Novak P, Huang J (2009). Two alternative integral solutions of the gravimetric geoid. 6th EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2009.
- Tenzer R, Hamayun, Vajda P, Novak P (2009). A smoothing effect of the topographical correction on gravity disturbances in rugged mountains and flat regions - Case study for the Canadian Rocky Mountains. 6th EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2009.
- Tenzer R, Hamayun, Vajda P, Novak P (2009). Global modeling of the ice stripping correction in terms of the ice thickness spherical functions. 6th EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2009.
- Klokocnik J, Kostelecky J, Pesek I, Novak P, Wagner CA, Sebera J (2009). Geophysical applications of EGM08: search for impact craters on the Earth. 6th EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2009.
- Novak P (2009). Local geoid modeling in the era of high-resolution Earth's gravitational models. Pecny Observatory, Ondrejov, February 2009.
- Huang J, Novak P (2008). One- and two-step integral solutions for gravimetric geoid - revisited. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2008.
- Klokocnik J, Novak P, Kostelecky J (2008). Detecting impact craters using the EGM08. 4th General Assembly of WEGENER, Darmstadt, September 2008.
- Tenzer R, Novak P (2008). Comparison of the low-degree Earth gravity field and the low-degree no-topography gravity field. IAG International Symposium "Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation", Chania, June 2008.
- Tenzer R, Prutkin I, Novak P, Ellmann A, Vajda P (2008). Far-zone effects in the direct gravity inversion. IAG International Symposium "Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation", Chania, June 2008.
- Tenzer R, Novak P (2008). Long-wavelength part of the topography-generated gravitational field. IAG International Symposium "Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation", Chania, June 2008.
- Kadlec M, Novak P, Tsoulis D (2008). Comparison of two modeling strategies for evaluation of the terrain correction using high resolution digital elevation models. IAG International Symposium "Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation", Chania, June 2008.
- Klokocnik J, Novak P, Pesek I, Kostelecky J, Wagner CA (2008). EGM08: simulations for GOCE. IAG International Symposium "Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation", Chania, June 2008.
- Novak P, Kostelecky J, Klokocnik J (2008). Validating recent global geopotential models through comparison of local quasi-geoid models with GPS/leveling data. IAG International Symposium "Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation", Chania, June 2008.
- Vajda P, Ellmann A, Meurers B, Vanicek P, Novak P, Tenzer R (2008). Harmonic continuation and gravimetric inversion of gravity in areas of negative geodetic heights. IAG International Symposium "Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation", Chania, June 2008.
- Vajda P, Vanicek P, Novak P, Tenzer R, Ellmann A, Meurers B (2008). On ambiguities in definitions and applications of Bouguer gravity anomaly. IAG International Symposium "Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation", Chania, June 2008.
- Gruber C, Bezdek A, Novak P (2008). Numerical analysis of geopotential differences derived from GRACE perturbation rates using lumped harmonic coefficients. 5th EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2008.
- Kadlec M, Novak P (2008). Comparing methods for evaluation of the terrain effect in Central Europe. 3rd GEOS conference, Prague, February 2008.
- Klokocnik J, Wagner CA, McAdoo D, Kostelecky J, Bezdek A, Novak P, Gruber C (2007). Changes in accuracy of gravity field recovery due to ground track variability: CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2007.
- Novak P (2007). Comparison of detailed satellite and terrestrial data. Initial meeting of the PECS project, Ondrejov, September 2007.
- Vajda P, Ellmann A, Meurers B, Vanicek P, Novak P, Tenzer R (2007). On a refined global topographic correction to gravity disturbances. IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, July 2007.
- Novak P, Huang J (2007). Analyzing two approaches for integral inversion of ground gravity in local geoid computations. IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, July 2007.
- Tsoulis D, Novak P, Vergos G, Kadlec M (2007). Evaluation of the terrain-generated gravitational potential and its directional derivatives by combination of analytical formulae and numerical integration. IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, July 2007.
- Tenzer R, Ellmann A, Novak P, Vajda P, Vanicek P, Moore P (2007). Gravity field components of the differences between gravity disturbances and gravity anomalies. IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, July 2007.
- Novak P (2007). Current situation in the area of advanced geodesy. Seminar at the Czech Technical University in Prague, (100 years from the birth of Prof. Josef Boehm), July 2007.
- Vajda P, Ellmann A, Meurers B, Vanicek P, Novak P, Tenzer R (2007). On compiling and interpreting anomalous gravity data. 7th Slovak Geophysical Conference, Bratislava, June 2007.
- Huang J, Novak P (2007). Comparing two approaches for integral conversion of ground gravity into local geoid. Joint meeting of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographical Society, the Canadian Geophysical Union and the American Meteorological Society, Saint John's, May-June 2007.
- Novak P (2007). Gravity field modelling through integral equations. Presented at the University of Technology, Delft, April 2007.
- Klokocnik J, Wagner CA, McAdoo D, Kostelecky J, Bezdek A, Novak P (2007). Non-homogeneities in the accuracy of earth gravity parameters from CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE. 4th EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2007.
- Novak P, Tsoulis D, Kadlec M, Vergos G (2007). Numerical evaluation of terrain induced gravitational potentials and their derivatives by combination of analytical formulae and discrete integration. 4th EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2007.
- Kadlec M, Kostelecky J, Novak P (2007). The database for computation of gravity field parameters over Central Europe. 2nd GEOS conference, Prague, March 2007.
- Novak P (2007). Recent advances in global gravity field modelling. Presented at the Czech Technical University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Prague, January 2007.
- Novak P (2006). Integral-based inversion of gravity field observables. Presented at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, November 2006.
- Simek J, Novak P, Kostelecky J (2006). Application of the regional gravity field model for determination of offsets of various vertical datums. Meeting of the Centre of the Earth's Dynamics Research (CEDR). Trest Castle, October 2006.
- Novak P (2006). Regional gravity field modelling: theory and verification. Meeting of the Centre of the Earth's Dynamics Research (CEDR). Trest Castle, October 2006.
- Novak P, Tenzer R (2006). Gravity field modelling by integral inversion of gravity field observables. 1st meeting of the International gravity field service. Istanbul, August-September 2006.
- Tenzer R, Ellmann A, Novak P, Vajda P (2006). Far-zone effects in gravimetric geoid modelling by means of the surface truncation coefficients. 1st meeting of the International gravity field service. Istanbul, August-September 2006.
- Kostelecky J, Novak P, Simek J (2006). Determination of geopotential offset of a local vertical datum using a refined geopotential model. 1st meeting of the International gravity field service. Istanbul, August-September 2006.
- Tenzer R, Novak P (2006). On conditionality of inverse integral equations in geoid modelling from local gravity data. 6th Hotine-Marussi International Symposium on Theoretical and Computational Geodesy, Wuhan, May-June 2006.
- Vajda P, Vanicek P, Novak P, Tenzer R, Ellmann A (2006). Secondary indirect effects in gravimetry. 2nd Workshop on International Gravity Field Research, May 8-9, 2006, Smolenice Castle, Slovak Republic, May 2006.
- Tenzer R, Novak P, Moore P, Vajda P (2006). Effect of atmosphere on the gravity anomaly. 2nd Workshop on International Gravity Field Research, May 8-9, 2006, Smolenice Castle, Slovak Republic, May 2006.
- Novak P, Grafarend EW (2006). On the synthesis of satellite-based geopotential coefficients inside topography. 3rd EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2006.
- Klokocnik J, Kostelecky J, Wagner CA, Scharroo R, Gruber C, Bezdek A, Doornbos E, Novak P (2006). Degradation in accuracy of CHAMP/GRACE-only Earth gravity field models. 3rd EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2006.
- Novak P, Kostelecky J, Klokocnik J (2006). Testing new geopotential models through comparison of high-resolution quasi-geoid models with GPS/levelling data. 3rd EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2006.
- Dousa J, Filler V, Kostelecky J, (jr), Kostelecky J, Novak P, Palinkas V, Simek J, Stepanek P (2006). Geodetic Observatory Pecny as a part of the Integrated Geodetic Observation System. 1st GEOS conference, Prague, March 2006.
- Novak P (2005). Mathematical methods for the description of the Earth's gravity field in geodesy. Presented at the University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, November 2005.
- Tenzer R, Moore P, Ellmann A, Vanicek P, Novak (2005). On the evaluation of gravity disturbances. International symposium Dynamic Planet 2005, Cairns, August 2005.
- Novak P (2005). Earth's gravity field modelling with a seamless frequency content based on heterogeneous data. International symposium Dynamic Planet 2005, Cairns, August 2005.
- Novak P (2005). Airborne gravimetry: an efficient tool for regional band-limited mapping of the Earth's gravity field. International symposium dedicated to 65th birthday of EW Grafarend. Stuttgart, February 2005.
- Novak P, Grafarend EW (2004). On the evaluation of global geopotential models. Geodetic Week 2004, Stuttgart, October 2004.
- Klokocnik J, Kostelecky J, Novak P (2004). On future of gravity field models accuracy assessment. International symposium "Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions", Porto, August-September 2004.
- Novak P, Grafarend EW (2004). On the global gravity field modelling using GRACE observables. International symposium "Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions", Porto, August-September 2004.
- Novak P, Simek J, Kostelecky J (2004). Regional quasi-geoid for Central Europe and test of its high-frequency component. International symposium "Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions", Porto, August-September 2004.
- Novak P, Grafarend EW (2004). Global gravity field modelling using GRACE observables. Joint CHAMP/GRACE Science Meeting, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, July 2004.
- Klokocnik J, Kostelecky J, Novak P (2004). On feasibility of the accuracy assessment of upcoming gravity field models by means of ECGN array. International symposium EUREF 2004, Bratislava, June 2004.
- Klokocnik J, Kostelecky J, Novak P (2004). On future of gravity field models accuracy assessment. 1st EGU General Assembly, Nice, April 2004.
- Grund V, Novak P, Marchenko D, Meyer U (2004). Regional geoid determination from CHICAGO airborne gravimetry using sequential multipole analysis, collocation and Stokes approaches. 1st EGU General Assembly, Nice, April 2004.
- Novak P, Simek J, Kostelecky J (2004). A feasibility of some transformation of terrestrial gravity anomalies for geophysical interpretations in Central Europe. 1st EGU General Assembly, Nice, April 2004.
- Novak P, Austen A, Sharifi MA, Grafarend EW (2004). Recovery of spherical harmonic coefficients of geopotential from GRACE observables and modelling their temporal variations. Working Meeting of the GRACE project, Oberpfaffenhofen, February 2004.
- Novak P (2003). Introduction to airborne gravimetry. Stuttgart University, Geodetic Institute, Stuttgart, November 2003.
- Novak P (2003). Mathematics in geodesy. University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Pilsen, November 2003.
- Novak P (2003). Downward continuation of airborne gravity data. Czech Technical University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Prague, October 2003.
- Grafarend EW, Austen A, Novak P, Sharifi MA (2003). Space gravity spectroscopy for observables of type acceleration differences. Geotechnology Meeting "Observing the Earth's System from Space", Munich, June 2003.
- Grafarend EW, Novak P, Austen A, Sharifi MA (2003). The GRACE processor for a spherical harmonic analysis of temporal variations of geopotential. Geotechnology Meeting "Observing the Earth's System from Space", Munich, June 2003.
- Novak P (2003). On determination of the gravimetric geoid from discrete observations of gravity. Czech Technical University, Prague, April 2003.
- Grafarend EW, Novak P (2003). The ellipsoidal topographical potential. 28th EGS General Assembly, Nice, April 2003.
- Novak P, Simek J, Kostelecky J (2003). Characteristics of the Earth's gravity field for Central Europe in context of some geophysical phenomena. 28th EGS General Assembly, Nice, April 2003.
- Grafarend EW, Austen A, Novak P, Sharifi MA (2003). Space gravity spectroscopy for observables of type GRACE. 1st Annual Meeting of the GRACE project, Oberpfaffenhofen, February 2003.
- Grafarend EW, Novak P (2002). The Gauss-Listing geoid: Stokes-Helmert's approach and beyond. Geodetic Week, Frankfurt am Main, October 2002.
- Novak P, Simek J, Kostelecky J (2002). A detailed gravimetric quasi-geoid model VUGTK 2002 for Central Europe. 3rd Meeting of the International Gravity and Geoid Commission, Thessaloniki, August 2002.
- Novak P (2002). Stable algorithm for determination of the gravimetric geoid. Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, June 2002.
- Novak P (2002). Airborne gravimetry and its application in geodesy. University of Karlsruhe, May 2002.
- Novak P, Heck B (2002). Stable downward continuation of airborne gravity. 27th EGS General Assembly, Nice, April 2002.
- Novak P, Simek J, Kostelecky J (2002). On the homogenization of a quasigeoid model for GPS heighting - a case study Central Europe. 27th EGS General Assembly, Nice, April 2002.
- Schwarz KP, Bruton AM, Novak P (2001). The Canadian AGEM project for airborne gravimetry. KIS meeting, Banff, June 2001.
- Novak P (2001). Geoid determination from airborne gravity. GEOIDE Workshop "Airborne Gravity for Exploration and Mapping", Ottawa, May 2001.
- Novak P (2001). Mapping the Earth's gravity field. York University, Toronto, April 2001.
- Schwarz KP, Bruton AM, Novak P (2001). The Canadian AGEM project for airborne gravimetry. 26th EGS General Assembly, Nice, March 2001.
- Novak P, Kern M, Schwarz KP (2001). On the harmonic downward continuation of airborne gravity data. 26th EGS General Assembly, Nice, March 2001.
- Novak P, Kern M, Bayoud FA, Bruton AM, Schwarz KP, Ferguson S, Hammada Y (2001). On the geoid determination from airborne gravity by Hotine-Helmert's approach. 26th EGS General Assembly, Nice, March 2001.
- Veronneau M, Pagiatakis SD, Vanicek P, Novak P, Huang J, Janak J, Sideris MG, Esan O (2000). Canadian Gravimetric Geoid Model 2000 (CGG'2000). IAG International Symposium "Gravity, Geoid, and Geodynamics", Banff, August 2000.
- Novak P, Kern M, Schwarz KP (2000). On the determination of the relative geoid from airborne gravimetry. IAG International Symposium "Gravity, Geoid, and Geodynamics", Banff, August 2000.
- Novak P, Kern M (2000). Airborne gravimetric geoid. 2nd Annual Conference of the GEOIDE Network, Calgary, May 2000.
- Schwarz KP, Novak P, Bruton AM, Kern M, Sideris MG, Tennant K, Wei M, Ferguson S, Pagiatakis SD (2000). Airborne gravimetry - an innovative technology for mapping and resource exploration. 2nd Annual Conference of the GEOIDE Network, Calgary, May 2000.
- Novak P, Vanicek P, Veronneau M, Featherstone WE, Holmes SA (1999). On the accuracy of Stokes's integration in the precise high-frequency geoid determination. Semi-annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Boston, June 1999.
- Vanicek P, Novak P (1999). Comparison between the planar and spherical models of topography. 25th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Geophysical Union, Banff, May 1999.
- Novak P, Vanicek P (1999). Effect of distant topographical masses on the geoid determination. 25th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Geophysical Union, Banff, May 1999.
- Vanicek P, Novak P, Huang J (1998). Geoid modelling at UNB. Geoid Workshop, Geodetic Survey Division, Ottawa, May 1998.
- Novak P, Vanicek P (1998). Atmospheric corrections for the evaluation of mean Helmert's gravity anomalies. 24th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Geophysical Union, Quebec City, May 1998.
- Novak P, Marek P (1995). The Czech solution of CEGRN94. 4th CERGOP conference, Warsaw, November 1995.
- Kostelecky J, Novak P, Skorepa L, Simek J (1995). Analysis of continuous GPS observations for geodynamics purposes. 21st General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Boulder, July 1995.
- Novak P (1995). Analysis of GPS data in geodesy. Workshop "Applications of GPS in Geodesy", Prague, June 1995.
- Kostelecky J, Marek P, Novak P, Skorepa L (1994). Realization of the ETRF coordinate frame on the territory of the Czech Republic for civilian and military purposes. Seminar "Role of Modern Geodesy in Armed Forces", Budapest, November 1994.
- Kostelecky J, Novak P, Skorepa L (1994). Preliminary analysis of continuous GPS observations. 2nd CERGOP conference, Warsaw, November 1994.
- Kostelecky J, Novak P, Simek J (1994). The national report of the Czech Republic on the participation in the international GPS campaign "Interconnection of the First Order Horizontal Networks". Working meeting, Vienna, May 1994.
- Novak P (1994). Several aspects of the GPS reference frame on the territory of the Czech and Slovak Republics. Workshop "Geodetic Networks", Bratislava, May 1994.
- Kostelecky J, Novak P, Simek J (1994). On the long-term behaviour of long baselines determined by GPS. Initial stage of the analysis. 1st CERGOP conference, Warsaw, February 1994.
- Novak P (1993). Astronomical observations in the Czechoslovak GPS reference network. Lohrmann Kolloquium, Dresden, February 1993.