Ing. Jan Douša, Ph.D.

Peer-review publications:

  • Pacione R, Araszkiewicz A, Brockmann E, Dousa J (2017), EPN Repro2: A reference GNSS tropospheric dataset over Europe, Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., doi:10.5194/amt-2016-369
  • Van Leeuwen S, Dousa J. (2016), Hopfield revisited: Two-6th Power Tropospheric Zenith Delay Profiles for Correcting GNSS Data, In: Proceedings of the NAVITEC 2016, Dec 14-16, ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands.
  • Guerova G, Jones J, Douša J, Dick G, de Haan S, Pottiaux E, Bock O, Pacione R, Elgered G, Vedel H, Bender M (2016), Review of the state of the art and future prospects of the ground-based GNSS meteorology in Europe, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 5385-5406, doi:10.5194/amt-9-5385-2016.
  • Ahmed F, Václavovic P, Teferle FN, Douša J, Bingley R, Laurichesse D (2016), Comparative analysis of real-time precise point poisitioning zenith total delay estimates, GPS Solut, Vol 20(2):187-199, doi:10.1007/s10291-014-0427-z
  • Douša J, Dick G, Kačmařík M, Brožková R, Zus F, Brenot H, Stoycheva A, Möller G, Kaplon J (2016), Benchmark campaign and case study episode in Central Europe for development and assessment of advanced GNSS tropospheric models and products, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 2989-3008, doi:10.5194/amt-9-2989-2016, 2016.
  • Dousa J, Vaclavovic P (2016), Evaluation of ground-based GNSS tropospheric products at Geodetic Observatory Pecny , In: IAG Symposia Series, Springer, Rizos Ch. and Willis P. (eds), Springer, Vol. 143, pp. 759-766, doi:10.1007/1345_2015_157
  • Gyori G, Dousa J (2016), GOP-TropDB developments for tropospheric product evaluation and monitoring – design, functionality and initial results, In: IAG Symposia Series, Springer, Rizos Ch. and Willis P. (eds), Springer, Vol. 143, pp. 595-602. doi:10.1007/1345_2015_193
  • Vaclavovic P, Dousa J (2016), G-Nut/Anubis - open-source tool for multi-GNSS data monitoring, In: IAG Symposia Series, Springer, Rizos Ch. and Willis P. (eds), Springer, Vol. 143, pp. 775-782, doi:10.1007/1345_2015_97
  • Bruyninx C, Altamimi Z, Brockmann E, Caporali A, Dach R, Dousa J, Fernandes R, Gianniou M, Habrich H, Ihde J, Jivall L, Kenyeres A, Lidberg M, Pacione R, Poutanen M, Szafranek K, Söhne W, Stangl G, Torres J, Völksen Ch (2015), Implementation of the ETRS89 in Europe: Current Status and Challenges, In: Proceedings of REFAG 2014, IAG Symposia Series, Springer.
  • Bruyninx C, Altamimi Z, Brockmann E, Caporali A, Dach R, Dousa J, Fernandes R, Gianniou M, Habrich H, Ihde J, Jivall L, Kenyeres A, Lidberg M, Pacione R, Poutanen M, Szafranek K, Söhne W, Stangl G, Torres J, Völksen Ch (2015) Implementation of the ETRS89 in Europe: Current Status and Challenges, In: Proceedings of REFAG 2014, IAG Symposia Series, Springer.
  • Dousa J, Elias M, Veerman H, van Leeuwen S, Zelle H, de Haan S, Martellucci A, Perez OA (2015), High accuracy tropospheric delay determination based on improved modelling and high resolution Numerical Weather Model, Proceedings of the 28th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation, pp. 3734-3744
  • Eliaš M, Douša J (2015), Outlier Detection Using Some Methods of Mathematical Statistic in Meteorological Time-Series, In Proceedings of ICNAAM 2015, Rhodes (Greece), September 2015, AIP Conf. Proc.
  • Kostelecký J, Douša J, Kostelecký J (jr), Václavovic P (2015), Analysis of the time series of station coordinates - a comparison of the network and PPP approach, Acta Geodyn Geomater, Vol 12, No 2(178), pp. 127-133, doi:10.13168/AGG.2015.0019
  • Václavovic P, Douša J (2015), Backward smoothing for precise GNSS applications, Adv Space Res, 56(8):1627-1634
  • Zus F, Dick G, Dousa J, Wickert J (2015), Systematic errors of mapping functions which are based on the VMF1 concept, GPS Solut, 19(2):277-286,doi:10.1007/s10291-014-0386-4
  • Dousa J, Elias M (2014) An improved model for calculating tropospheric wet delay, Geoph. Res. Lett. 41, doi:10.1002/2014GL060271
  • Dousa J, Vaclavovic P (2014) Real-time zenith tropospheric delays in support of numerical weather prediction applications, Adv Space Res, 53(9):1347-1358, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2014.02.021
  • Ihde J, Habrich H, Sacher M, Sohne W, Altamimi Z,Brockmann E, Bruyninx C, Caporali A, Dousa J, Fernandes R, Hornik H, Kenyeres A, Lidberg M, Makinen J, Poutanen M, Stangl G, Torres JA, Volksen, C (2014), EUREF's Contribution to National, European and Global Geodetic Infrastructures, In: Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet, Rizos C, Willis P, (eds), Proceedings of the IAG 25th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Melbourne, Australia 2011, IAG Symposia Series, Springer, 139:189-196
  • Li X, Ge M, Douša J, Wickert J (2014), Real-time precise point positioning regional augmentation for large GPS reference networks, GPS solutions, Springer, Vol 18, No 1, pp 61-71 doi:10.1007/s10291-013-0310-3
  • Zus F, Dick G, Heise S, Dousa J, Wickert J (2014), The rapid and precise computation of GPS slant total delays and mapping factors utilizing a numerical weather model, Radio Sci, 49(3): 207-216, doi:10.1002/2013RS005280
  • Douša J, Bennitt GV (2013), Estimation and evaluation of hourly updated global GPS Zenith Total Delays over ten months, GPS Solut, Springer, 17:453–464, doi:10.1007/s10291-012-0291-7, (ISSN online:1521-1886 printed: 1080-5370)
  • Dousa J, Gyori G (2013), Database for tropospheric product evaluations – implementation aspects, Geoinformatics, 10:39-52,
  • Václavovic P., Douša J, Györi, G. (2013), G-Nut software library - state of development and first results, Acta Geodyn Geomater, pp 431-436, Vol. 10, No. 4 (172), doi:10.13168/AGG.2013.0042.
  • Štěpánek P, Douša J, Filler V (2013), SPOT-5 DORIS oscillator instability due to South Atlantic Anomaly: Mapping the effect and application of data corrective model, Advances in Space Research, Vol 52, No 7, p. 1355-1365, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2013.07.010.
  • Bruyninx C, Ihde J, Altamimi Z, Brockmann E, Caporali A, Dach R, Dousa J, Fernandes R, Habrich H, Hornik H, Kenyeres A, Lidberg M, Makinen J, Pacione R, Poutanen M, Sacher M, Söhne W, Stangl G, Torres J, Völksen Ch, Weber G (2012) EUREF’s Effort to Meet the Challenges of the Chaning Geodetic Landscape , In: Proceedings of the 8th FIG Regional Conference 2012, Montevideo, Uruguay, November 2012.
  • Douša J. (2012), Developments of the GLONASS ultra-rapid orbit determination at Geodetic Observatory Pecný, In: Geodesy of Planet Earth, S. Kenyon, M.C. Pacino, U. Marti (eds.), International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Vol 136, pp.1029-1036. (
  • Douša J, Václavovic P (2012), Results of GPS reprocessing campaign (1996-2011) provided by Geodetic observatory Pecný, Geoinformatics FCE CTU 9, pp. 77-89.
  • Ge M, Chen J, Dousa J, Gendt G, Wickert J (2012), A computationally efficient approach for estimating high-rate satellite clock corrections in realtime, GPS Solut, 16:9-17, doi:10.1007/s10291-011-0206-z
  • Ge M, Dousa J, Li X, Ramatschi M, Nischan T, Wickert J (2012), A Novel Real-Time Precise Point Positioning Service System – Global Precise Positioning with Regional Augmentation, Journal of Global Positioning Systems, Vol 11, No 1, pp 2-10, doi:10.5081/jgps.11.1.2,
  • Kačmařík M, Douša J, Zapletal J (2012), Comparison of GPS slant delays aquired by different techniques, Acta Geodyn Geomater, Vol. 9, No. 4 (168), 427–433.
  • Kostelecký J, Cimbálník M, Čepek A, Douša J, Filler V, Kostelecký J (jr), Nágl J, Pešek J, Šimek J (2012), Realizace S-JTSK/95, Geodetický a kartografický obzor, Vol 58/100, No 7, pp. 145-154
  • Kostelecký J, Douša J (2012), Results of Geodetic Measurements during the January 2010 Efpalio Earthquakes at the Western Tip of the Gulf of Corinth, Central Greece, Acta Geodyn. Geomater., Vol. 9, No. 3 (167), 291–301.
  • Douša J, Filler V, Šimek J, Kostelecký Jak, Kostelecký J, Novák P (2011), Nová implementace ETRS89 v České republice: Kampaň EUREF-Czech-2009, Geodetický a kartografický obzor, 57/99(2), pp. 30-41.
  • Douša J (2010), Precise near real-time GNSS analyses at Geodetic observatory Pecný - precise orbit determination and water vapour monitoring, Acta Geodyn Geomater, Vol. 7, No. 1 (157), 1-11.
  • Štěpánek P, Douša J, Filler V, Hugentobler U, (2010), DORIS data analysis at Geodetic Observatory Pecny using single-satellite and multi-satellite geodetic solutions , In: DORIS Special Issue: Precise Orbit Determination and Applications to the Earth Sciences, P. Willis (Ed.), Advances in Space Research, 46(12):1578-1592, DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2010.04.015
  • Štěpánek P, Filler V, Hugentobler U, Douša J (2010), DORIS at GOP: From Pilot Testing Campaign to Fully Operational Analysis Center, Acta Geodyn Geomater, Vol. 7, No. 1 (157), 49-60.
  • Douša J, Filler V, Šimek J, Kostelecký J (jr), Kostelecký J, Novák P (2011) Nová implementace ETRS89 v České republice: Kampaň EUREF-Czech-2009, Geodetický a kartografický obzor 57/99(2):30-41
  • Chen J, Ge M, Douša J, Gendt G (2009), Evaluation of EPOS-RT for Real-time Deformation Monitoring, Journal Global Positioning Systems 8(1)1-5, 2009.
  • Douša J (2009), The impact of errors in predicted GPS orbits on zenith troposphere delay estimation, GPS solutions (first-online), Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Vol 13, No 3(2010), pp.229-239. doi: 10.1007/s10291-009-0138-z
  • Weber G, Mervart L, Lukeš Z, Rocken C, Douša J (2008), Real-time Clock and Orbit Corrections for Improved Point Positioning via NTRIP, Proceedings of the 20th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Insitute of Navigation ION GNSS 2007, September 25-28, Fort Worth Convention Center, pp.1992-1998. (
  • Douša J (2007), GOP ultra-rychlé dráhy družic pro Mezinárodní službu GNSS, Geodetický a kartografický obzor, 53/95(6), pp. 101-110.
  • Douša J (2006), Výsledky určování troposférických zpoždění pro využití v meteorologii, Geodetický a kartografický obzor, 52/94(4), pp. 61-73.
  • Marel H van der, Brockmann E, Haan S de, Douša J, Johansson J, Gendt G, Kristiansen O, Offiler D, Pacione R, Rius A, Vespe F (2004), COST-716 demonstration project for the near real-time estimation of integrated water vapour from GPS, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 29/2-3, pp. 187-199.
  • Douša J (2004), Precise Orbits for Ground-Based GPS Meteorology: Processing Strategy and Quality Assessment of the Orbits Determined at Geodetic Observatory Pecný, J Met Soc Japan, Vol. 82, pp. 371-380.
  • Douša J (2004), Služby GO Pecný pro mezinárodní komunitu, Geodetický a kartografický obzor, 50/92(4-5), pp. 90-98.
  • Douša J (2003), Evaluation of tropospheric parameters estimated in various routine analysis, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 29/2-3, pp.167-175.
  • Douša J (2003), The precise GPS orbits for the near real-time applications, (CDROM proceedings of the International Workshop on GPS Meteorology, Tsukuba, Japan)
  • Filler, V.,  Douša, J. (2003), Dlouhodobé řešení permanentní sítě EUREF na Geodetické observatoři Pecný, Geodetický a kartografický obzor, 49/9(5):81-90
  • Douša J (2002), On the Specific Aspects of Precise Tropospheric Path Delay Estimation in GPS Analysis, In: Vistas for Geodesy in the New Millenium, IAG Symposium, Adam, J. and K.-P. Schwarz (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, Vol. 125, pp. 285-290.
  • Douša J (2001), Towards an Operational Near-real Time Precipitable Water Vapor Estimation, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A, 26/3, pp. 189-194.
  • Douša J (2001), The Impact of Ultra-Rapid Orbits on Precipitable Water Vapor Estimation using Ground GPS Network, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A, 26/6-8, pp. 393-398.
  • Douša J, Mervart, L. (2001), On Hourly Orbit Determination, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A, 26/6-8, pp.555-560.
  • Douša J (2000), Aplikace GPS v meteorologii, Geodetický a kartografický obzor, 46/88(8) , pp. 153-159.
  • Douša J (1998), Permanentní síť stanic GPS EUREF, Geodetický a kartografický obzor, 44/86(3), 59-63.
  • Douša J, Landsperský D (1998), Lokální analytické centrum EUREF Geodetické observatoře Pecný, Geodetický a kartografický obzor, 44/86(4), pp. 84-89.
  • Douša J, Jindra D (1996), Aplikace technologie GPS v geodynamice. Projekt geodynamické sítě Cheb, Geodetický a kartografický obzor, 42/84(5), pp. 89-94.
  • Douša J (1996), Možnosti a problémy automatizace zpracování permanentních měření GPS, Geodetický a kartografický obzor, 42/84(11), pp. 221-224.